Footprints-Beyond.org is a non-sectarian project without connection to any denomination, religious institution or similar. It is privately funded and completely independent.
It is our belief that except we walk in the footprints of Jesus, we cannot know the salvation of Christ.
Many claim to be "Christians", but they do not want to follow the teachings of Jesus. They want to substitute their own ideas, or the ideas of famous theologians or preachers who have impressed them. Jesus said quite simply, "In vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (Matthew 15:9, Mark 7:7).
The apostle Paul added that the "commandments of men" actually turn people away from the truth (Titus 1:14). Men's ideas detract from the Word of God, numbing people to the realities of the Scriptures and causing them to follow after foolishness, rather than following "after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness" (1 Timothy 6:11).
Each one of us who has experienced hurt at the hands of a church has found himself or herself in that lonely space between being with a group of believers and whatever lies ahead and is yet to be discovered.
We have experienced the cruelty of cultic thinking or mistaken loyalties, or maybe just the fickleness of human nature. We have experienced human frailty in a place where we expected to find the strength of Christian character.
We can let those experiences crush us or we can learn from them. Our footprints can end in despair or they can continue beyond those experiences.
Footprints-Beyond.org aims to take us beyond disappointment and despair, beyond broken dreams and broken lives, reminding us of the strength that only God has. We aim to encourage, to enlighten, to edify; that together we can seek out truth, and let that truth guide and direct our path.