Faith in a Nutshell
The above title, "Faith in a Nutshell", was inspired by Australia's only native, commercial nut tree, the Macadamia. Protected by a spongy husk and an incredibly hard shell, the exotic meat of the nut lies safely inside.
In like manner, the wholesome and rich food of God's message lies hidden deep inside the pages of His Word. Those in a hurry simply do not bother to take the time to open up the Macadamia of God's Scriptures, or to seek out the incredible blessings that follow when we diligently seek after His Truth.
The following lessons seek to tap into the richness of God's Word to find answers to the problems and false teaching facing the church today.
► Beware Your Sins NEW
► Bullying Pastors – "Monster Pastors" (CONTRIBUTED)
► "Conforming to the Church" NEW
► "Disfellowshipping" (CONTRIBUTED) – A Study of Abusive Practices Within Some Churches of Christ
► "Guilty Party, Innocent Party" PASSWORD PROTECTED
► Jeremiah's Message For Churches Today
► Spiritual Abuse in our Churches NEW
► Strange Fire – A Rebuttal of False Teaching in the Churches of Christ
► The Makings of a Cult PASSWORD PROTECTED
► The Titles of Men
► When is a Name Worthless?